TITANS Gains Harvest in WCIF
[Category:Company News Source/Author:Titans Group Upload Date:2014-11-4 18:03:46]
ZhuhaiTitans Technology Co., Limited participated in the 15th WesternChina International Fair (WCIF) from October 23 to 26. With a large exhibitionspace of 84 Sq. M, Titans presented its charging equipment series, such as100KW independent DC charging system, 30KW integrated DC Charger, 32A ACcharging pole, etc. The abundant products attracted many guests coming fordiscussion, communication and even for future cooperation negotiation. Sixfirms concluded the cooperation intention agreement with Titans. Additionally, allTitans exhibits were snapped up by the customers. The Sichuan public channel ofSichuan Television Station has reported Titans during the exhibition period.
InWCIF, TITANS gained a periodic success, this marks that Titans will change its pastlow profile and come to the stage from the backstage. This change will makeTITANS more close to the customer’s requirements and provide valuable and more competitiveEV charging products.
Sichuanpublic channel interview
Oneexhibition corner in WCIF